Critical Care Reviews Newsletter
Newsletter 541 | April 25th 2022
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Just 50 Days to the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2022
Welcome to the 541st Critical Care Reviews Newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature over the past seven days. The highlights of this week's edition are randomised controlled trials on vitamin C in septic shock & a comparison of 20% albumin with plasmalyte in patients with cirrhosis and sepsis-induced hypotension; systematic reviews and meta analyses on fluid resuscitation with balanced crystalloids versus normal saline & probiotics for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia; and observational studies on clinical frailty in patients with sepsis & echocardiography findings in COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units.
There are also guidelines on the use of high-flow nasal cannula in acute respiratory failure & hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; narrative reviews on invasive respiratory fungal infections in COVID-19 critically ill patients & the brain in pediatric critical care; editorials on extracorporeal CPR & why physiology is vital to precision medicine in ARDS and sepsis; and commentaries on learning the art and science of diagnosis & the paradox of immunosuppressants and COVID-19; as well as correspondence on permissive acidosis & intrinsic severity of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant .
If you only have time to read one review article this week, try this one on the intensivist's perspective of shock, volume management, and hemodynamic monitoring.
Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2022
There are just 50 days to CCR22, our unique meeting focused on the best critical care trials in the world. In June, we host 6 major trial results and review 8 of the best trials of 2021. In addition, we also have 3 panel discussions and our annual honorary John Hinds Lecture. Our social programme is packed too, with events every night, plus the option for exercise on two of the three mornings of the meeting. Visit our trade exhibition and take in the workshops our industry partners will be providing also. Don't miss the opportunity to see the wonderful city of Belfast and the spectacular surrounding countryside. The days are long in June, with daylight lasting from 4am to 10:30 pm. And if you need someone to look after the kids, we can do that in our free, on-site professional creche. Just remember to book this, as well as your hotel soon, as Belfast will be busy and accommodation will be limited during the Summer.
Registration for CCR22, on June 15th to 17th at Titanic Belfast, is open.
Randomised Controlled Trials
- Goo. Early versus standard tracheostomy in ventilated patients in neurosurgical intensive care unit: A randomized controlled trial. J Clin Neurosci 2022;98:162-167
- LK. Central Venous-to-Arterial CO2 Difference-Assisted Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Management During Major Surgery-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesth Analg 2022;134(5):1010-1020
- Ismail. Methylene blue versus vasopressin analog for refractory septic shock in the preterm neonate: A randomized controlled trial. J Neonatal Perinatal Med 2022;15(2):265-273
- Guitart. An algorithm combining procalcitonin and lung ultrasound improves the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in critically ill children: The PROLUSP study, a randomized clinical trial. Pediatr Pulmonol 2022;57(3):711-723
- O'Gara. Anesthetics to Prevent Lung Injury in Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Cardiovasc Vasc Anesth 2022;epublished April 19th
- Crescioli. Long-term mortality and health-related quality of life of lower versus higher oxygenation targets in ICU patients with severe hypoxaemia. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished April 20th
- Barrett. A randomised controlled trial of non-invasive ventilation compared with extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal for acute hypercapnic exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Intensive Care 2022;12(1):36
- Maiwall. A randomized-controlled trial comparing 20% albumin to plasmalyte in patients with cirrhosis and sepsis-induced hypotension [ALPS trial]. J Hepatol 2022;epublished April 20th
- Wacker. Evaluating Vitamin C in Septic Shock: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Vitamin C Monotherapy. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):e458-e467
Systematic Review & Meta Analyses
- Dong. Fluid resuscitation with balanced crystalloids versus normal saline in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2022;30(1):28
- Cheema. Probiotics for the Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Nutrients 2022;14(8):1600
- Pence. Outcomes of CMS-mandated fluid administration among fluid-overloaded patients with sepsis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Emerg Med 2022;55:157-166
- Hirunpattarasilp. The Effect of Hyperoxemia on Neurological Outcomes of Adult Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neurocrit Care 2022;epublished January 31st
Observational Studies
- Huang. Echocardiography findings in COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units: a multi-national observational study (the ECHO-COVID study). Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished April 21st
- Arvaniti. Epidemiology and Age-Related Mortality in Critically Ill Patients With Intra-Abdominal Infection or Sepsis: An International Cohort Study. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2022 Apr 20;106591
- Guo. Hypernatremia in brain-dead patients. Brain Behav 2022;epublished April 22nd
- Fossali. Effects of Prone Position on Lung Recruitment and Ventilation-Perfusion Matching in Patients With COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Combined CT Scan/Electrical Impedance Tomography Study. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):723-732
- Andersen. Hastening Death in Canadian ICUs: End-of-Life Care in the Era of Medical Assistance in Dying. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):876-878
- Haaksma. Extended Lung Ultrasound to Differentiate Between Pneumonia and Atelectasis in Critically Ill Patients: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):750-759
- Lee. Preexisting Clinical Frailty Is Associated With Worse Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Sepsis. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):780-790
- Visagan. Monitoring Spinal Cord Tissue Oxygen in Patients With Acute, Severe Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):e477-e486
- ERS clinical practice guidelines: high-flow nasal cannula in acute respiratory failure. Eur Respir J 2022;59(4):2101574
- Hines. Consensus-Based Guidelines for the Recognition, Diagnosis, and Management of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Critically Ill Children and Adults. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):860-872
- Infectious Diseases Society of America 2022 Guidance on the Treatment of Extended-Spectrum β-lactamase Producing Enterobacterales (ESBL-E), Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales (CRE), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with Difficult-to-Treat Resistance (DTR-P. aeruginosa). Clin Infectious Dis 2022;epublished April 19th
- Raffaelli. Invasive Respiratory Fungal Infections in COVID-19 Critically Ill Patients. J Fungi 2022;8(4):415
- Egger. Prevalence of COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis: Critical Review and Conclusions. J Fungi 2022;8(4):390
- Brüssow. COVID-19: Omicron - the latest, the least virulent, but probably not the last variant of concern of SARS-CoV-2. Microb Biotechnol 2022;epublished April 20th
- Clinical features of thrombosis and bleeding in COVID-19. Blood 2022;epublished April 22nd
- Singer. Update in COVID-19 2021. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;epublished April 19th
- Kundu. COVID-19 and Plethora of Fungal Infections. Curr Fungal Infect Rep 2022;epublished April 9th
- Kashani. The Intensivist's Perspective of Shock, Volume Management, and Hemodynamic Monitoring. CJASN 2022;epublished April 4th
- Yau. The timing of surgical revascularization in acute myocardial infarction: when should we intervene? J Cardiovasc Surg 2022;63(2):179-86
- Annibali. “No-Reflow” Phenomenon: A Contemporary Review. J Clin Med 2022;11(8):2233
- Ivica. Alerting to acute kidney injury - Challenges, benefits, and strategies. Pract Lab Med 2022;epublished April 2nd
- Mandurino-Mirizzi. Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. J Clin Med 2022;11(8):2167
- Brown. The brain in pediatric critical care: unique aspects of assessment, monitoring, investigations, and follow-up. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished April 21st
- Edwards. The Child With Severe Chronic Illness in the ICU: A Concise Review. Crit Care Med 2022;50(5):848-859
- Ramlakhan. Understanding and interpreting artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in Emergency Medicine. Emerg Med J 2022;39:380-385
- Chen. Potential Pathophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Multiple Organ Dysfunction in Cytokine Release Syndrome. Mediators Inflamm 2022;2022:7137900
- Scquizzato. Extracorporeal CPR: Now a standard of care? Resuscitation Plus 2022;10:100235
- Goligher. Physiology is Vital to Precision Medicine in ARDS and Sepsis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;epublished April 20th
- De Jong. Better airway management saves lives. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2022;39(5):415-417
- Usman. Mechanical Circulatory Support for the Right Ventricle: The Right Ventricle is No Longer Forgotten. J Cardiovasc Vasc Anesth 2022;epublished April 22nd
- Hofmaenner. The impact of eye-tracking on patient safety in critical care. J Clin Monit Comput 2022;epublished April 19th
- Fung. Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging for the Detection of Cerebral Hypoperfusion After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care 2022;epublished April 24th
- Cheng. The paradox of immunosuppressants and COVID-19. Eur Respir J 2022;59:2102828
- Abbasi. Highlights From the American College of Cardiology’s Scientific Sessions—New Heart Failure Management Guidelines, Alirocumab After a Myocardial Infarction, and Treating Mild Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy. JAMA 2022;epublished April 20th
- Lee. Crossing Lines — A Change in the Leading Cause of Death among U.S. Children. N Engl J Med 2022;386:1485-1487
- Detsky. Learning the Art and Science of Diagnosis. JAMA 2022;epublished April 18th
- Mazzeffi. Forget-Me-Not: The Primary Hemostasis Defect in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation May Require Unique Treatment. ASAIO J 2022;epublished April 15th
- Smędra. Medical error in treatment of Amanita phalloides poisoning in pre-hospital care. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2022;30:20
- Korell. Pre‑transplant EASIX and sepsis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished April 16th
- Loskutov. The courage of Ukrainian hospitals and Intensive Care Units in the first months of the Russia–Ukraine war. Intensive Care Med 2022;April 13th
- Fortuna. What about permissive acidosis? Intensive Care Med 2022;April 20th
- Watanabe. Survival benefit of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe COVID-19: "perceived futility" and potential underestimation of ECMO's effect. Intensive Care Med 2022;epublished April 22nd
- Shafer. Intrinsic Severity of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant. N Engl J Med 2022;epublished April 20th
Case Reports
- Lewis. Man With Decreased Consciousness. Annals Emerg Med 2022;79(5):496
- Clemenza. Perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with severe COVID-19 requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): a case series and literature review. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2022;305(5):1135-1142
- El-Alali. Thinking Beyond Acute Kidney Injury. Case Rep Nephrol Dial 2022;12(1):16-21