Balanced Solution versus Saline in Intensive Care Study
Drs Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante (Sao Paulo) will present the Brazilian BASICS trial results at a Critical Care Reviews trial results livestream on Tuesday, August 10th at 19:30 (Western European Summer Time, UTC +1). BASICS is a factorial randomised controlled trial and compares plasmalyte with 0.9% saline for fluid resuscitation in the ICU and two rates of fluid administration, 999 ml/hr and 333 ml/hr. Its planned sample size is 11,000 patients.
Published Papers
Follow-Up Podcast
BaSICS trial leads Drs Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante join Rob Mac Sweeney to address some of the questions and comments that arose following the presentation and publication of the BaSICS trial results.
BaSICS Trial Results Presentation
Dr Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante (São Paulo) present the background, methods and results of the BaSICS trial, comparing 0.9% saline with plasmalyte, and fluid infusion rates of 999 ml/hr and 333 ml/hr.
Prof Simon Finfer (Sydney) delivers an independent editorial on the BaSICS trial. Trial leads Drs Fernando Zampieri and Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante (both São Paulo) then reply to Prof Finfer's comments.
Viewer's Questions
Dr Bronwen Connolly (Belfast) poses questions from the viewers to the trialists Drs Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante (both São Paulo) during the Critical Care Reviews hosted BaSICS trial results presentation livestream
Panel Discussion
Rob Mac Sweeney hosts an international panel discussion on the results of the BaSICS trial. The panelists are Prof Kathryn Maitland (Kenya), Dr Tine Sylvest Meyhoff (Denmark), Assoc Prof Christopher Seymour (USA) & Asst. Prof Andrew Althouse (USA). They are joined by the lead trialists Drs Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante (both Brazil), as well Simon Finfer (Australia), who delivered an editorial on the trial.
Learnings from the BaSICS Trial
Dr Fernando Zampieri (São Paulo) discusses the learnings from the BaSICS trial
00:00 | Background & Methods | Fernando Zampieri |
0015 | Results | Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti |
00:30 | Editorial | Simon Finfer |
00:45 | Reply to the Editorial | Fernando Zampieri & Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti |
00:50 | Questions | Open to Viewers |
01:00 | Panel Discussion | Fernando Zampieri Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti Simon Finfer Andrew Althouse Kathryn Maitland Tine Sylvest Meyhoff Christopher Seymour |
01:40 | Learnings from BaSICS | Fernando Zampieri |
01:55 | End |

Fernando Zampieri
Researcher and intensivist, Research Institute HCor-Hospital do Coração, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dr Fernando Zampieri is a researcher and critical care physician at the Research Institute HCor-Hospital do Coração, Sao Paulo, Brazil. He graduated at University of São Paulo, Brazil in 2010 and was awarded a PhD in Medical Sciences by University of São Paulo in 2017. Fernando is Adjunct Professor at the Center for Epidemiological Research in the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark, Research Coordinator at HCor Research Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. He has acted as principal investigator of both large pragmatic clinical trials and observational studies in critical medicine.
Twitter: @f_g_zampieri

Alexandre Biasi Cavalcante
Researcher and intensivist, Research Institute HCor-Hospital do Coração, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Physician, Cardiology Specialist, Specialist in Intensive Medicine, Doctorate in Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, USP. Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Trials by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine / University of London (External Program). He is currently the Coordinator of Research Activities at the Institute of Teaching and Research of the Heart Hospital and intensive care physician of the Intensive Care Unit of the Heart Hospital.
Coordinator of AMIB-Net, research network of the Association of Brazilian Intensive Medicine. He acts in the elaboration, implementation and management of data from randomized clinical trials and meta-analyzes. Main areas of action: randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyzes, intensive therapy.

Simon Finfer
Professorial Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health and Chair of Critical Care Medicine, Imperial College of London
Simon Finfer is a Professorial Fellow in the Critical Care and Trauma Division at The George Institute for Global Health and Chair of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College of London. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of New South Wales and is a practicing critical care physician with an appointment as a Senior Staff Specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital and Director of Intensive Care at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, the largest not-for-profit hospital in New South Wales.
Simon was a founding member and is a past-Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Clinical Trials Group, immediate past chair of the Council of the International Sepsis Forum, and a member of the Global Sepsis Alliance Executive. In 2012 he was awarded an honorary doctorate (Doctor of Medicine) by The Friedrich-Schiller University in Germany, an honour awarded once every 10 years. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science & was appointed and Officer (AO) in the Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2020.

Andrew Althouse
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Andrew D. Althouse, PhD, joined the Center for Research on Health Care in August 2018 with a principal research focus on the design, conduct and analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCT’s) as part of the CCDC. Currently, Dr. Althouse is the lead statistician for ongoing RCT’s spanning the fields of primary care, palliative care, cardiology, and nephrology. He has a productive record as a collaborative statistician, with over 100 published manuscripts, and he has presented at national meetings of the American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Statistical Association, and the Society for General Internal Medicine.
He is currently Statistical Editor for Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions as well as a Deputy Statistical Editor for Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, and serves as Vice Chair of the American Heart Association Statistics Task Force.
Twitter: @ADAlthousePhD

Kathryn Maitland
Professor of Pediatric Tropical Infectious Diseases, Imperial College, London
Kathryn Maitland is a professor of Pediatric Tropical Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine and Director of the IC CARE Centre at the Global Centre of Health Innovation, Imperial College, London, and an Honorary Fellow at MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College, London. Over the last 20 years, Kathryn has been based full-time in East Africa, where she leads a research group that has highlighted the unique importance of emergency-care research as a highly targeted and cost-effective means of tackling childhood mortality in resource-limited sub-Saharan Africa hospitals. Her major research portfolio includes severe malaria, bacterial sepsis, and severe malnutrition.
Twitter: @KathMaitland

Tine Sylvest Meyhoff
Researcher & PhD student at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tine Sylvest Meyhoff, MD, is a clinical researcher and PhD student at the Dept. of Intensive Care at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen. Her major research interests are fluid therapy, sepsis and clinical trial methodology, and she is the coordinating investigator of the CLASSIC trial (NCT03668236) of intravenous fluid restriction versus standard care in adults with septic shock. Tine has been working with RCTs since she was a medical student as part of the SUP-ICU trial group, so she naturally prefers
randomised care over random care.

Christopher Seymour
Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Dr. Seymour is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, and Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Over the past 10 years, his research program has focused on clinical and translational studies involving sepsis, biomarkers, and large electronic health record databases. Dr. Seymour completed his NIGMS Career Development Award (K23), mentored by Dr. Derek Angus, titled “Prehospital identification of high-risk sepsis.” This successful award led to funding of a NIH/NIGMS R35 ESI-Merit Investigator Research Award, “Sepsis endotypes during emergency care.” He is Director of the Clinical and Translational Science Program in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, member of the International Sepsis Forum (ISF), and Associate Editor for Critical Care at JAMA. His research has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and The Lancet, among others.
Twitter: @seymoc