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Critical Care Reviews Newsletter

Newsletter 477  |  February 7th 2021

The repairs are almost complete....

Welcome to the 477th Critical Care Reviews newsletter, bringing you the best critical care research and open access articles from across the medical literature for the week of January 25th to 31st.

It's been a frustrating few weeks, as I've worked day and night to restore both the website and newsletter after my now ex- web host inflicted serious damage to these, to the point of being offline, non-functional and not easily restored with a simple backup. My apologies to those of you who either haven't received the last couple of newsletters, or received it in a non-rendered fashion. Hopefully, these issues are now resolved. For those who missed the last couple of newsletters, they are available on the website.

Spring Series of Major Trial Results Presentations

Our Spring season of major trial results presentations should begin in the next few weeks. Similar to eCCR21, thee will be live-streamed and freely available to watch on the CCR website, vimeo and Twitter. We'll be bringing you the results of the REMAP-CAP IL-6 receptor antagonist domain, the multi-platform anti-coagulation in COVID-19 trial, TTM2 and BASICS.

New Look Website

The CCR website has been updated, with a new look and more streamlined interface. The old site contained over 9000 webpages, diluting attention on the major evidence in our specialty. The new site refocuses on critical care trials, with the homepage highlighting the latest major trials, studies and guidelines. It will take a while to repopulate the site, but I'll hopefully have the importation complete by the end of February. The additional pages will be added daily as they are completed. There are sections on major trials, major guidelines and hot articles to add, as well as the archive of all 473 previous newsletters.

eCCR Attendance Certificate

For those of you who registered for eCCR21 and are having difficultly accessing the attendance certificate, please reply to this email. My apologies for the trouble, but, as mentioned, I've had issues with the website over the past few weeks, which I've now mostly resolved. The unedited recording of the entire 3 days of the meeting is available to watch on the meeting webpage. This includes 5 major trial results, 14 of the best trials of 2020 presented by their chief investigators and accompanied by independent editorials, plus talks on pandemic publishing, pilot trials and the John Hinds Lecture.

Support CCR

If you watched eCCR21, or get the newsletter regularly, or use the CCR website, podcast or books, then please consider supporting the project. Over the past 11 years it has grown enormously, to the point where it far exceeds my ability to run it in my spare time. Everything within the CCR project is made freely available for the benefit of all. If you find the CCR project a valuable service, both personally and for the wider critical care community, and are in a position to be able to make a small contribution, then please consider supporting it.


Randomised Controlled Trials

Systematic Reviews & Meta Analyses

Observational Studies

Protocols & Statistical Analysis Plans





I hope you find these links useful


Until tomorrow
