Methods Journals
Clinical Trials & Methods Journals
Browse through one of the largest collections of emergency medicine journals available
Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials (OA)
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (PA)
American Journal of Epidemiology (PA)
Statistics in Medicine
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Trial Protocols
BMJ Open
OA = Open Access (all articles are freely accessible)
PA = Partial Access (some articles are...
Specialty Journals
Medical Specialty Journals
Browse through a large collection of various medical specialty journals pertinant to critical care
Infectious Diseases
Lancet Infection Diseases
Clinical Infections Disease
Emerging Infectious Disease
Journal of Infectious Disease
Current Opinion in Infectious Disease
AIDS Reviews
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
JAIDS - Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Infection and Immunity
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses
Journal of Infection
International Journal of...
Surgery Journals
Surgery Journals
Browse through a large collection of surgical journals
Highest Ranking
Annals of Surgery
Archives of Surgery
British Journal of Surgery (OA)
ANZ Journal of Surgery
World Journal of Emergency Surgery
World Journal of Surgery
Canadian Journal of Surgery
Scandanavian Journal of Surgery
International Journal of Surgery
Surgical Clinics of North America
European Surgical Research
Neurosurgery (NA)
Journal of...
Medicine Journals
Medicine Journals
Browse through one of the largest collections of general medicine journals available
Highest Ranking
New England Journal of Medicine (PA)
The Lancet (NA)
Journal of the American Medical Association (PA)
Annals of Internal Medicine (PA)
PLOS Medicine (OA)
British Medical Journal (PA)
Annual Reviews Medicine (NA)
Archives in Internal Medicine (PA)
Canadian Medical Association Journal (PA)
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (OA)
Journal of Internal Medicine (PA)
BMC Medicine (OA)
Pharmacy Journals
Pharmacy Journals
Browse through one of the largest collections of pharmacy journals available
Main Journals
Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (PA)
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pharmacological Research
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
Biochemical Pharmacology
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
British Journal of Pharmacology
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Annual Review of...
Emergency Medicine Journals
Emergency Medicine Journals
Browse through one of the largest collections of emergency medicine journals available
Highest Ranking
Annals of Emergency Medicine (PA)
Resuscitation (NA)
Emergencias (OA)
Journal of Trauma (NA)
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine (NA)
Injury (NA)
Academic Emergency Medicine (PA)
Scandanavian Journal of Trauma and Resuscitation (OA)
Prehospital Emergency Care (NA)
Emergency Medicine Journal (NA)
Journal of Emergency Medicine (NA)
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medical Care (PA)
Emergency Medicine...
Anaesthesia Journals
Anaesthesia Journals
Browse through one of the largest collections of anaesthesia journals available
Highest Ranking
Anaesthesiology (PA)
Pain (PA)
British Journal of Anaesthesia (PA)
European Journal of Pain (NA)
Anesthesia & Analgesia (PA)
Clinical Journal of Pain (NA)
Anaesthesia (PA)
Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Management (NA)
Minerva Anesthesiology (NA)
Current Opinion in Anesthesiology (NA)
Journal of Neurosurgical Anaesthesia (NA)
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandanavia (PA)
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia (PA)